Monday, October 14, 2013

Pictures that represent me

I enjoy attending meetings and conferences at the NIH; anytime I get to go there is a treat. I hope to eventually work at the NIH as an investigator someday.

I love Broadway shows, especially Les Miserables and The Phantom of the Opera. When we were in New York over the summer, we walked around Times Square and took lots of pictures.

I love staying at big, nice and fancy hotels. This was at the Borgata in Atlantic City.

At the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in the National Harbor. 

 My sister and I are very close. We're 3 years apart, yet people always mistake us for twins. 

The Big Bang Theory is my favorite comedy TV show. Mayim Bialik came to the 2012 Science and Engineering Festival. She gave a small talk and answered questions from the audience. It was a lot of fun!

This is our rabbit, Cupcake. We adopted her from the Howard County Animal Shelter.


  1. It is really cool that you know exactly what you want to do once you graduate! And fancy hotels are always nice :)

  2. Hey Big Bang Theory is my favorite T.V comedy too and me and my grandmother which it every night all the time and your rabbit is cute.

  3. I absolutely love Les Mis and Phantom! They're such amazing Broadway shows. And your rabbit is simply adorable! I've always wanted a rabbit as a pet.

  4. I am really impressed you have already done so much preparation for your future career, it's really smart to be thinking so far ahead. I've never seen Les Mis on broadway but I want to, and your rabbit is so cute!

  5. I have been to the Gaylord as well! Very beautiful hotel! I am also jealous you got to see Mayim in person and got to ask her questions! Also, huge fan of Les Mis and Phantom :)

  6. Aww, Cupcake is such a cutie! I had a cinnamon-colored rabbit we named Sinbad, but it's been years. I love snuggle bunnies! :D

  7. I love the show The Big Bang Theory. Me and my watch the show every chance we get, our favorite mental are the soft kitty song and when Sheldon knocks on penny's door.

  8. I wish I was close with my brothers and my sister. It's great you and your sister are close, because I have a twin and I wouldn't exactly say we share a lot with each other.

  9. That is so awesome that you actually saw Mayim. I love the big bang theory show!
